May 1, 2024

Democracy in Action: MDK Perspectives on ABA Law Day

Join us in celebrating the American Bar Association’s Law Day on May 1st, an annual commemoration that honors the rule of law and deepens our understanding of the legal system. This year's theme, "Voices of Democracy," highlights the pivotal role of the people in shaping our society. As the United States prepares for its 60th presidential election, Americans are faced with fundamental questions about democracy and the rule of law.

In this feature, we share insights from our attorney cohort at MDK, including Practice Group Directors Zach Manchester and Stephanie Reinhart-Rock and Senior Attorneys Angela Kirk, Jenna Rogers, Todd Ruchman and Dustin Smith. They share their perspectives on democracy, citizen engagement, the evolving legal profession, technology's impact, and promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion within the legal profession and justice system.

Explore their insights here:

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Do not rely on this publication without seeking legal counsel.